Volunteer Registration

Kids Lacrosse Africa

Volunteer Registration – Complete and Submit Form

Please complete this form to sign up for one of our Winter or Summer Lacrosse Volunteer Corps sessions. We will reach out to you with an informative email and payment information shortly after receiving your registration.

* Required

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • If necessary, use this field to enter special travel notes. For example: I want to attend a session, but need to arrive a day late, or a day early, or my return airport is different from your departure airport etc.
  • As of 1/1/2020
  • It is OK if you have graduated. We have lots of post-grads and college coaches participate in our trips.
  • Name of current or last school you attended (or coached at.)
  • Email address of your HS, College or Club Coach. This is optional, we just like to let them know you are going with us so they can notify their sports information dept or the local newspaper.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.